A Life Lately Update
It’s been a busy couple of months, full of ups and downs, since I shared a life lately update.
Beyond just the weather - which incidentally has been warm, then cold, then warm again, torrential rain, tornados and snow, and finally warm again - life is definitely keeping us on our toes.
At least our plants are loving it!
We’ve tackled a couple of home improvement projects (beyond the powder room) like this little crafting corner for our little crafting queen. Yes, we had a craft table before but the storage and organization was all over the place. It’s so much better now that everything is consolidated in the same space.
And now I’m brainstorming about our next project … it’s a toss up between our laundry room & master bedroom. Bedroom would be short, sweet and more budget conscious, but the laundry room really needs some help!
I’ve been pinning my heart out on Pinterest - take a look; would love to hear your thoughts?
Speaking of projects, I’ve been really lucky to work with some wonderful clients as of late. From being invited back to previous client’s homes to finish off additional spaces (as shown above - sadly, not the best image - bad decorator/blogger), to working with new clients, lots of one day consults and everything in between. It’s been a busy, but amazing time.
Also, a pretty fun turn of events - I was invited to revisit a home that I worked on 4 years ago! It was so fun to see the space and the updates they had made since we last saw eachother. Hopefully, we’ll be working together again on a new project for their expanding family.
I truly am one lucky girl!
One thing not so great about these last couple of weeks is how sick I have been. I feel like I have the cold that JUST WON’T QUIT. I’ve been trying everything under the sun from medication to home remedies! I have the eucalyptus oils going in the diffuser, the salt lamp running and I’m taking ALL the vitamin C. Would love to hear what you think of salt lamps and any advice you might have for home remedies.
And, just to be clear, I know a cold is pretty low on the totem pole compared to everything else going on … just sharing what’s going on with me.
Ending on a high note…
No life lately update is complete without a little forced family fun update as well! So here it is: on a sunny Sunday in February we checked out the Anne Close Spring Greenway in South Carolina. Not really sure what to expect, we were more than pleasantly surprised. The welcome center is clean and modern and even serves an amazing brunch on Sundays. The grounds are endless and feature waterfalls, lakes, hiking trails, historic buildings, a nature center and a dog park. Plus you can have a nice glass of wine at the welcome center to celebrate an afternoon well spent! Highly recommendable.
Thanks for sticking with me everybody…can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
Until next time …